Sulukule has been, since the plans for redevelepment became public, -but also before- quite at the focus of local and international attention of intelligentsia, to a degree like few other comparable areas have ever enjoyed. The particular ethnic/cultural background diverted extra attantion to the area. Coverages in local, national and international media, solidarity festivals, artistic production, interest of international institutions and of academic field work of various disciplines, political actions, TV soaps, featured films, were among different forms of interventions and investigations from outside. Consequently Sulukule has become a hotspot, more than other areas affected by similar problems. Among most recent interventions since the planning started can be counted: international conferences in Brussels (EP) and Istanbul - the festival '40 days and 40 nights' by the Sulukule Platform (Asli Kiyak Ingin) - different student groups' workshop from Development Planning Unit of UCLondon and France, foreign journalists like Kai Stritmatters' article in 'die Sueddeutsche' and 'Neue Zürcher Zeitung', the Sea of Dance performance with Roma artists on stage by Sule Ates, and others. While this workshop is being organized, and buildings in the area are pulled down one by one, as selling out process accelarates, the press coverage and degree of external interest grows as well.
They all helped and are helping the Sulukule conflict to popularize in Turkey and abroad. The Inura workshop, itself a typical example of external intelligentsia intervention should deal with the issue of external interventions in a self reflexive way. The group will be encouraged to make observations of the workshop itself, and develop an agenda of self-evaluation or auditing and search the question of locality, the ethics of engagement in neighborhood activist process and the type of participatory practices. Group Coordinators will enable access to past material and works and facilitate discussion about the international and multilevel initiatives in Turkey and abroad. Reflexions and perceptions of the residents on various interventions will constitute another string of inputs.
Group coordinators: Pelin Tan (sociologist, ITU) with Hamdi Gargin (political scientist, IFEA)
“Measure for measure : Evaluating the evidence of culture's contribution to regeneration”, Urban Studies, Vol. 42, No5/6, 959-983, May 2005.(in context of cultural interventin in urban regenaration)
"What makes a biopolitical space?" A discussion with Toni Negri, Multitudes 31, 2008. (in context of urban resistance and activism)
“Spatiality, Resistance and the Production of Locality”, P.Tan, 10. İstanbul Biennial catalog, 2007 (in context of urban, locality and ethics)
about İstanbul and Segregation, Urban Frontiers, Pelin Tan, Sarai Reader
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